Emmanuel Agele - Chairperson Highland SS Peace Club

“I remember a story told to us during one of the peace club trainings where a fire started out in the forest and a certain small animal was trying to bring water to cool the fire, the humming bird. Other animals argued that how could one tiny animal save the forest from burning down? So, I know now from that story that age or size does not matter in resolving disputes. As young people we can contribute to peace if we have the heart.”

Sarah Adnan - Head teacher Aringa Secondary School, Yumbe District

“The peace club has helped learners resolve conflicts in the school. I think it has helped them so much. These learners have been troubled by their neighboring schools but they were able to keep calm. They did not respond harshly. Through thepeace club they have learnt that violence is not the way to go.”

Headteacher, Valley View Secondary School, Zone 2, Bidibidi refugee settlement

“Periodically at assemblies we urge our students to read the compound peace messages installed by UMYDF and it’s always fascinating to watch the peer-to-peer discussions of students as they read out these messages to each other. Our students are very religious and the religious messages resonate very deeply with them and they have an impact on how they react and do things.”

Hamim Jibreel - Head prefect and Peace Club member Aringa SS

“The peace club has impacted me in that I now respect everyone’s opinion and I don’t see violence as a way of solving any conflict that arises. Every time a conflict arises, I look for a peaceful way to resolve it. I spread these messages of peace to others widely and confidently.”

Lomiyyo Thomas - Vice president, Valley View Secondary School Peace Club

“In senior one I almost gave up on school because of bullying from senior two students who would say; ‘eeh, these kids, go back to primary!’ But in my senior two after I had joined the peace club, I realised that if you motivate yourself in what wrongs other people do, you will not succeed. I chose to be empathetic and also talked to a friend of mine who was bullying others to give up this act.”